3 cups milk of choice
1 tsp vanilla or scrapings from 4 vanilla beans
¾ cup raw honey or sweetener of choice
2 organic pastured egg yolks (optional)
1 tablespoon gelatin
Blend all ingredients in a blender. Gently pour mixture into ice cream maker while on. Let churn for 10-20 minutes or until it reaches desired consistency.
Recipe Note
When choosing your milk base, if dairy is tolerable, we recommend choosing raw (unpasteurized) milk from a quality source, as it is loaded with probiotics, which most of us are lacking. This can be found in cow’s milk, but also in goat’s milk, which happens to be an A2 protein that is easier on the digestive track for those sensitive. If looking for dairy alternatives, our suggestion is either make from scratch or seek out brands that do not have additional ingredients such as gums and carrageenan. Our personal favorite brands are RAW FARM (dairy milk), MALK (nut milks), and Native Forest (coconut milk). When using eggs, especially when raw, find an organic and pasture raised farm. The eggs will be much healthier and less likely to have any contamination. Raw eggs are known to be very easy to digest, offering nutrients that are easily absorbed. As far as sweeteners, shop for raw honey (preferably local), 100% pure maple syrup, stevia, monk fruit, Yukon syrup, or date paste or date syrup. These are all easier on the system than traditional refined cane sugar.