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Our Select Six Travel Must-Haves

Our Select Six Travel Must-Haves


Whether you are worried about getting sick before, during, or after your trip, Quicksilver immune shots are a powerful weapon to take daily when you feel vulnerable, rundown or already ill. They’re loaded with elderberry, vitamins D, A, K, E and C. These vitamins need one another to function properly and are found that way in nature, which is where nose-to-tail (the whole animal) ancestral eating comes into play. In fact, the more our diets align with whole animal eating, the less likely we will become sick in the first place. There are a lot of immune-boosting products that claim to give a hefty dose of certain vitamins, but they don’t include them all. Quicksilver Immune Charge Shots have the perfect ratio of vitamins and utilize a liposomal technology for quick absorption. Because they are so effective, not only do we aim to stay stocked up with these gems all year long, but so do a few of our friends, including a nursing professor, a renowned scientist and a well-established nutritionist! 


Travel constipation is a very common problem. So much so that the Washington Post once reported, “Nobody poops normal on vacation.” Not only is it uncomfortable, it is also toxic. Our bodies must be able to rid itself of the constant toxins we consume (and we likely consume more while we’re traveling!). So, what should you take and why not just buy something basic from the store? There is a lot of evidence that, like most pharmaceuticals, generic laxatives can cause dangerous side effects and health problems. There are natural and gentle options for keeping things running smoothly, such as Good-To-Go made by BioRay. Made with ingredients like rhubarb root, ginseng, and white peony, two droppers in water before bed will make a world of difference the next morning. They also have one for kids called Pooper!

Another wonderful herbal concoction is made by Traditional Medicinals and can be purchased as capsules or tea. The simple and effective ingredients are ginger, senna, and licorice root.


Another item that is so important is salt. Traditional store-bought salt that is likely served at restaurants and hotels is processed with anticaking agents and stripped of trace minerals that are essential for our well-being. In this day and age, our soil- and thus our produce- is not as nutrient dense as it once was. Likewise, we don’t consume as much animal blood, which is how our ancestors acquired sodium in the past. Using unrefined salt regularly helps fill in the modern diet voids. Not only should we use it on our food, we can also add it to our water. Salt water provides true hydration at the cellular level, as the water in our bodies is mostly sodium water, and thus closely resembles ocean water. We love Redmond Sea Salt and use their tiny travel bottles even when dining locally. They can fit in any handbag or pocket, making it so easy and discreet to use. 

If you’d like to learn more about this topic, the book The Salt Fix: Why the Experts Got It All Wrong–and How Eating More Might Save Your Life by Dr. James DiNicolantonio breaks down how salt got a bad rap and how consuming unrefined salt can transform your health from sleep, focus, fertility and sexual performance. Likewise, it can help with many ailments like diabetes, heart disease and more. 


Grass-fed beef sticks are nature's true protein bar! Isn’t it ironic that we label sugar- filled processed snacks as a health/fitness food when they’re anything but? Unlike most protein bars, beef sticks are loaded with real, easy-to-digest protein and good fats, which are the building blocks for optimal health. They are minimally processed and low on sugar, which can trash our immune systems. Having snacks on hand during travel is a savior because it lessens the amount of junk food we consume and keeps our energy levels up to curb binging and crashing later. It’s also more cost-effective than purchasing every meal while on the run. Country Archer and Paleovalley are two of our favorite brands, as they have very simple ingredients and do not contain cane sugar. That’s challenging to find! Even Paleovalley’s sweet teriyaki flavor uses raw honey instead of cane sugar.   

5. TEA

Keeping organic tea bags on-hand is an easy way to have multiple natural remedies at your fingertips. Teas can help with many things, including digestion, sleep, energy and sore throats. Having a tea assortment travel kit is like having a small herbal medicine cabinet in your back pocket. Drinking tea is a good way to consume clean beverages while out. It also boosts your immune system and aids your organs in the detoxification process, both of which can take a toll during travel. I regularly keep a few bags in my purse. It saves my family from indulging in specialty drinks non-stop, and we still enjoy being served something warm and cozy. A lot of tea brands aren’t organic and contain additives such as MSG that can cause a plethora of symptoms, such as headaches. 

Quick tip: if you find yourself out to eat and you’ve forgotten your tea and the restaurant or hotel doesn’t have great options, you can order hot water with lemon and honey. It is still very satisfying and likely a much cleaner option. 

6. Hypochlorous Acid

Hypochlorous acid is an all-natural, non-toxic, antimicrobial, multipurpose cleaning solution made from salt and water. It is manmade but is also found naturally in the human body; therefore, our bodies respond very well to it. It is so safe and effective, dermatologists recommend spraying a diluted amount on the skin for many problems like acne, bacteria, eczema etc. In a more concentrated form, it is said to be much stronger than bleach and can kill viruses, including Covid-19. Most disinfectant brands are loaded with harsh chemicals that might kill germs but can harm our systems at the same time, leaving us vulnerable. This multipurpose solution can be sprayed on the body, a travel seat, luggage, a toothbrush, cellphone, a ski mask, etc. etc. Learn more about it here. 

Briotech is a great brand that makes convenient travel size bottles.   

Note: these items can be shipped straight to your hotel if you won’t receive them before your travel, or if it is an afterthought once you have already arrived at your destination. It will have a highly effective and positive impact on your system, even if you only have it for a portion of your vacation and travel home. 

Happy Travels,

Stay well!

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